29 July 2014

Losing a loved one and helping cope with life

My father passed away on the 22nd of February 2014.  He is, needless to say, terribly missed.  As anyone who has lost someone close to them, you can't put into words how much you miss their presence in your life.

I alway try to look at the positive side of everything that happens in life - even tragedy.  When I think of my dad I consider that I was so lucky to have had him for so many years in my life - I am in my 48th year.  My dad had heart trouble though out his life with heart attacks and cardiac arrests, so I could have lost him when I was 12 years of age.

My father was also a very religious man.  When he realised his heart was growing weaker, he asked that his pace maker was turned off so he wouldn't have to worry about being "shocked" when his heart started to fail.  He also wished to be at home.  So, in short, he got his two dying wishes.  To die at home and peacefully - so peacefully - in his sleep.  I was so happy for him.  He couldn't have asked for a better way to go, nor could I for him...

At his burial, the owner of the funeral home recited a poem that I found comforting and would like to share with you all.

God bless.

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