28 September 2017

MG Hypnosis weight loss/goal setting video 2 by Marygrace Anderson

This video is a visualisation technique designed to help you see that your goal is achievable when it comes to having a healthier lifestyle, loosing weight and achieve a target. You can do it daily to help you stay on track. You only need a few moments a day to focus on your goal. You can do it! You CAN do it!
Please follow MG HYPNOSIS on Facebook for other tips on living well.

26 September 2017

Streetwise Opera - Turning Point production

You must watch this film if you ever dared to follow through with your dream.  This man, whom I am honoured to also call my friend and neighbour, started Streetwise Opera after over coming his own fears and followed his instinct to make this happen.  Really inspiring and moving.  Please watch - it is 30 minutes you won't regret.  Marygrace

Street wise opera - Turning point

20 September 2017

MG Hypnosis weight loss video 1 by Marygrace Anderson

This video will help you with setting wellbeing goals - focusing on weight loss strategies.  This is a 3-month challenge to help you achieve long-term healthy habits and make them a part of your daily lifestyle.  It is loads of ideas to encourage you to easily incorporate them into your day.  Enjoy your success!

I give you my own personal challenge ideas to help you brainstorm your own ideas.

Please follow MG HYPNOSIS on Facebook for other tips on living well.

13 September 2017

MG Hypnosis stress reduction tips by Marygrace Anderson

This stress reduction techniques is about helping you cope better with stress management throughout your day.  It is a simple but highly effective breathing technique you do for 1 minute.  You can do it anytime, anywhere and it will improve your overall wellbeing.   We are passionate about helping you improve your quality of life.

Follow MG HYPNOSIS on Facebook for other tips on living well.

07 September 2017

MG Hypnosis Stress Reduction tips 2 by Marygrace Anderson

Here are 5 suggestions/tips to help you manage stress in your life.  Try all 5 and see which ones work best for you.  Even if you just use one, you will notice a difference.  Stress management, and learning how to deal with anxiety, takes constant effort if you suffer from either, HOWEVER, you can take simple and effective steps to help reduce the affects on your mind and body.  It is worth the effort to feel the benefits.  Trust me!

Please follow MG HYPNOSIS on Facebook for other tips on living well.