14 June 2017

DO A LIFE WHEEL! See mine below

New LIFE WHEEL Goals for next 4 months

Normally I advise my clients to choose 4 areas of their life that they want to focus on for the next 4 – 6 months.  Then they need to write down the goals and the steps they need to take to achieve them.

So last time I did my life wheel (back in April) – I so badly wanted to get back in shape and take care of my health that I made that my sole goal.  So my steps were a whole body life wheel focus for the next 4 months.   My steps were:
-       Exercise daily – yoga or walking (looking into other possible classes)
-       Start running again – devise a plan to build back up distance
-       Floss my teeth daily (had just lost a filling prior to setting goals)
-       No alcohol until I reached my ideal weight.
-       Back to portion control and eating health meals (no takeaways, ready meals, etc).   I made my meals separately if family members wanted something else but tried to work some of their meals into mine.  They started to put more of my salads into their meals as well – Bonus!
-       Cut out (down) sugar (really hard as it is in everything) – this was actually motivated by reading someone else’s blog about the affects it had on his health.
-       Drink herbal teas (no coffee – as prone to wanting sugar or Starbucks).

I loved my plan and I have enjoyed making it happen (see prior weekly detox blogs/FB entry for more details) .  So, now onto the next challenge.

As I started with a total focus on health for the last life wheel goal, this time I am going the extreme with setting 6 – yes 6 areas I want to work on but 2 are very short term achievable.  Four areas will take 4 – 6 months to complete and 2 just need a power hour to get in place, but they are still important to me to get done.

I will first list my goals and over the next few days break them down into steps.

1.     Kitchen Extension
2.     Career challenges
3.     Personal Development (Piano I think)
4.     Weekend family activity (exercise or language – still thinking)
5.     Relationship with partner – plan longer term life goals together.
6.     Spiritual space – more clutter clear out.

Look forward to sharing more with you.  If you want to do a life wheel message me or add to a comment to FB and I will email it over to you.

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